1. Our company offers its services and informs visitors to this site under the following terms of use, which visitors / users are required to read carefully and visit / use their pages / services only If they are fully accepted. Use implies acceptance of these terms.
2. The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor / user of the site services is subject to the relevant provisions of the Greek legislation (Law 2472/1997 on the protection of the individual and the protection of personal data as supplemented by the decisions of the President of the Commission Directive 95/46 / EK and 97/66 / EK. In any case the site reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data. The use / visit implies acceptance of these terms and conditions. The company respects your personal data. Any personal information you provide to us, including your name, address, telephone number and your e-mail, will not be announced, sold or rented to anyone outside of the company or its authorized partners and resellers. The business or one of its employees may contact you about its products or related services. We do not sell, rent or lend our list of subscribers to third parties. We may occasionally review our tactics, but in no case will the changes diminish the privacy of our visitors. We will post any changes to our tactics in this place so that you always know what kind of information we collect, how we can use this information and whether or not we will disclose it to third parties.
3. The content of this website is for informational purposes only. All information is protected by copyright, without prejudice to any other right. Any right on any kind of content on the site belongs to the business. Any reproduction, modification, presentation, distribution, transmission, retransmission by ‘framing’ technology, publication, sale or use of any content for any purpose without the prior written approval of the company is prohibited. The commercial exploitation of the site by any third party and in any way is forbidden.
4. The Company endeavors to ensure that any information provided on this site is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Nevertheless, it does not guarantee, but is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness and updating of the information.
5. The Company reserves the right to convert and change the content of the Site (including, but not limited to, graphics, texts, hyperlinks and references to other sites) and Terms of Use at any time without prior notice.
6. For the convenience of visitors / users, some hyperlinks or referred websites on this site may lead to third party websites that can be identified by their domain name. The business has not reviewed their content and therefore does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness or truth of any information on hyperlinked sites or other sites mentioned. The business is not responsible for the content of third party sites linked to hyperlinks or other referred websites.
7. Any dispute arising out of these terms or this website will be solely responsible for the Greek Courts and in particular the Courts of Tripoli.
8. Permission to use all documents, including official documents, press releases, and frequently asked questions (collectively “Documents”), from this server (“Server”) is given if: (1) the copyright notice given below Appears on all copies of the Documents, accompanied by the phrase “Re-used with License”, (2) Documents from the Server may only be used for informational, non-commercial or personal use, (3) the Documents will not be used, displayed, copied, displayed, posted on any networked computer or disclosed in any unsealed medium, and (4) the Documents have not been modified in any way. Any use of the Documents for reasons other than permissible is prohibited by law, and may result in severe political and criminal penalties. Offenders will be prosecuted. Documents as defined above do not include the design or structure of the company’s website or any other Web Site owned, managed, licensed or controlled by the company. The elements of the Websites are protected by trade dress and other laws and can not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. No logo, graphic, sound or image from any Website may be copied or retransmitted unless a written permission has been granted by the company.
9. The business and / or its related vendors do not represent for the appropriateness of the information contained in the documents and graphics that are posted to this server for no reason whatsoever. All documents and graphics are given “as are” without any warranty. The enterprise and / or its related suppliers therefore refuse all warranties and conditions in relation to the information, including all warranties and conditions of merchantability, competence for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement.
10. Documents and related graphics published on the Server may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The business and / or its suppliers may make improvements and / or changes to the product (s) and / or the program (s) described at this point at any time. The company has the right to make changes to any and all aspects of the Documents or related Server graphics at any time.
11. Under no circumstances may the company and / or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or consequential damages or any damages in general resulting from loss of use, data or interests, either in contract, negligence or other detrimental act , resulting from the use or functionality of software, documents, failure or failure of service sponsorship, or information that is available on the server.
12. The links will allow you to leave the company’s website. The Websites with which the business has links are not under its control and the business is not responsible for their contents or any other link that exists in them. The business provides you with these links for convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not mean Web site support by the business.
13. The company uses the emails collected through the Web Site to respond to your requests for information on our professional services, investments, recruitment opportunities, alliances and co-operatives, media contacts and information. We need some details – like your name, e-mail, address, or phone – to answer your requirements and provide you with more information about these services. We may also use this information to inform you of additional products and services of the company you may be interested in. You may choose not to receive such information by indicating your preference in the information search form when you use it to make an application.
14. All the information provided in the website’s contact forms for professional services, investments, recruitment, alliances and cooperatives, contacts with the media and information are used as confidential by our business staff. No person outside of the business is going to see your name or other personal information without your approval. We do not disclose to third parties information about user visits to the website or other personal information that may have been given to us.