It’s impossible to predict the place one will be in, once the inevitable occurs. This is the reason why our services are summoned in cases of unforeseen occurs or after medical treatment, to transport the deceased to their final resting place.
The MEGREMIS funeral home offers their full services including the transportation and ceremony in a dignified and secure way to and from Tripolis, or any part of Greece, following closely the rules and regulations set by the International Healthcare Organization and the EU.
We are equipped with a fleet of vehicles, to ensure that transportation is conducted professionally, in a safe and secure way, elevating the family of any related stress. We take full responsibility for the entire process, from transportation to burial.
Our human-centric approach
Our team at MEGREMIS funeral home, fully comprehend the emotional turmoil provoked by the death of a loved one. We are also aware, that in times of grief, procedures such as transportation of remains is a heavy issue to handle, especially in such an emotional state. Our experienced team handles to the full extend, all procedural details to perfection and with utmost respect.